Contributing 50% of profits to make a better world | Goodtel
Provided a weeks worth of food for 874 dogs/cats

Do good, with a good mobile plan.

Do good, with a good mobile plan.

Goodtel donates 50% of profits to good causes that you're passionate about. So you can help people in need and the environment, just by paying your telco bill.

Pick my plan
Ok good

Australia, we've got you covered.

Stay connected while you explore our beautiful country, with 98.8% of the population covered.

Check my coverage

The mobile product of Goodtel provides a mobile coverage footprint of at least 98.8% of the Australian population, covering more than 1.6 million square kilometers.

Goodtel illo Good Coverage 1
I Stock 1078453110 FOR WEB

All of our plans come with...

  • Choice to keep your number, or get a new one
  • Save $5/mth when you bundle with nbn™
  • Unlimited standard calls & text within Australia
  • Data bolt ons available
  • Love us (or leave us within 14 days for a full refund)

$23 /mth


  • International calls & text add on available
  • Access to the 4G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps

$28 /mth


  • International calls & text add on available
  • Access to the 4G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps

$38 /mth


  • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
  • Access to the 4G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps

$43 /mth


  • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
  • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps.
Most popular

$48 /mth


  • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
  • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps.

$58 /mth


  • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
  • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps.

$68 /mth


  • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
  • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 250Mbps.
  • $23 /mth


    • International calls & text add on available
    • Access to the 4G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps

    $28 /mth


    • International calls & text add on available
    • Access to the 4G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps
  • $38 /mth


    • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
    • Access to the 4G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps

    $43 /mth


    • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
    • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps.
  • Most popular

    $48 /mth


    • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
    • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps.

    $58 /mth


    • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
    • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps.
  • five-g

    $68 /mth


    • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
    • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 250Mbps.
  • $23 /mth


    • International calls & text add on available
    • Access to the 4G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps

    $28 /mth


    • International calls & text add on available
    • Access to the 4G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps
  • $38 /mth


    • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
    • Access to the 4G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps
  • five-g

    $43 /mth


    • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
    • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps.
    Most popular

    $48 /mth


    • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
    • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps.
  • five-g

    $58 /mth


    • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
    • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 100Mbps.

    $68 /mth


    • Unlimited international call and text to 15 countries
    • Access to 4G and 5G network. Download speeds are capped at 250Mbps.

Tell me more about <span class="green">keeping</span> my number

Girl on laptop

Order your sim online

We'll post it to you for free. Normal delivery time is 5 business days.

Girl on laptop2

Activate your SIM online when you're ready

The number transfer will happen as part of this

Sim user

Keep using your current SIM card

You won't have any service down time


When your SIM goes into SOS

Insert your Goodtel SIM you're ready to go.

Girl on laptop

Order your sim online

We'll post it to you for free. Normal delivery time is 5 business days.

Girl on laptop2

Activate your SIM online when you're ready

The number transfer will happen as part of this

Sim user

Keep using your current SIM card

You won't have any service down time


When your SIM goes into SOS

Insert your Goodtel SIM you're ready to go.

  • Can I keep my mobile number?

    Yep! As long as it's an active Aussie service which you can receive a verification text message to - you're good!

    During sign up, we'll ask you if you want to bring your current mobile number over, or get a new one. The switch won't happen until you receive your SIM card in the mail and then initiate the SIM activation on the Goodtel website, so you're in control.

    There shouldn't be any service down time during the switch, and you'll know when it's time to pop your Goodtel SIM in when your old SIM goes into SOS.

    Switching can take up to 4 hours, but usually takes only a few minutes. You can initiate your SIM activation at any time, but generally switches are only processed between 8am-6pm on weekdays, and 10am-6pm on Saturdays, Sydney time.

    Helpful article: What do I need to provide Goodtel to bring my number over?

  • Are there any upfront costs for your nbnᵀᴹ or mobile plans?

    You'll pay for your first month of service when you sign up. This amount will be taken off of your first bill.

    Helpful articles: I need help with my first nbnᵀᴹ bill

  • What mobile network does Goodtel use?

    Goodtel uses the Telstra Wholesale Network. Click here to learn more.

    You can check your coverage here.

  • How long will my SIM activation take?

    You can initiate your SIM activation at any time, but generally activations are only processed between 8am-6pm on weekdays, and 10am-6pm on Saturdays, Sydney time.

    If you're bringing your current number over to Goodtel, your activation can take up to 4 hours, but usually only takes a few minutes. You won't have any down time during the process - when your current SIM goes into SOS, that's your cue to pop your new, really good, Goodtel SIM in.

  • Where can I find your Critical Information Summary for your mobile service?

    Click here to find our critical information summary for our mobile service.

Help change the
by paying
your mobile bill

Goodtel isn't like other telcos. We donate 50% of profits from your mobile bill to a charity of your choice. So you support a cause you're passionate about - by doing something you'd do anyway.

See our good causes