Asylum Seeker Resource Centre | Goodtel
Provided 24,108 meals to vulnerable Australians

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

Provide help to people seeking asylum in Australia

Support this Good Cause

The Issue

Families who have fled violence, war and persecution are often then stripped of their basic rights in Australia, while waiting for an outcome of their legal status. People often live this - in limbo for years. During this time, more and more people, without the right to work, become destitute. For the past 18 years, the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) has supported around 4,000 people seeking asylum every year, providing food security with community meals and food bank programs, housing, legal support and much more. The ASRC gives them hope for a safer, brighter future.

The Good

$27 can provide a daily hot meal and food and groceries for a week.

About Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

Founded 18 years ago, the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) is Australia’s largest human rights organisation providing support to people seeking asylum. We are an independent not-for-profit organisation whose programs support and empower people seeking asylum to maximise their own physical, mental and social well being. We champion the rights of people seeking asylum and mobilise a community of compassion to create lasting social and policy change. The ASRC movement is proudly supported by a community of committed volunteers and supporters. You can help ASRC do more of their great work just by switching to Goodtel today.

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