Good for causes | Goodtel
Provided 24,108 meals to vulnerable Australians

Good causes

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Support our Good Causes

Rainforest Rescue

Help reduce your carbon footprint

The Issue

Rainforests are under constant threat from development and climate change. Rainforest Rescue helps to rescue and restore vulnerable parts of the Daintree and protect it, forever.

The Good

$5 contributes towards the protection of one square metre of unprotected Daintree lowland rainforest

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Indigenous Literacy Foundation

Gift a culturally relevant book for a child in a remote community

The Issue

In Australia there is a huge disparity in the literacy levels between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children. Many of the remote communities where the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) works report that there are few, if any, books in their homes. Every child in Australia, wherever they live, has the right to thrive and to excel in education. Every child should benefit from equity of opportunity. We can’t achieve justice for our First Peoples without setting First Nations children up to succeed in education. Education matters, because education opens doors.

The Good

$10 will put a culturally relevant book into the hands of a child in a remote community

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Provide safe sleeps to vulnerable people

The Issue

On any given night in Australia, 116,000 people are homeless. 8,200 are rough sleepers; sleeping out on the street. People experiencing homelessness encounter violence, harassment and bullying.

The Good

$10 can get a person in need a safe night's sleep.

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Save-A-Dog Scheme

Save a dog or cats life and assist in finding them loving homes

The Issue

Every year tens of thousands of healthy dogs and cats are euthanased in Australia. SADS needs your help to rescue and rehome the animals that come into their care.

The Good

$15 can feed an average sized dog or cat for a week.

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Help free the world of waste and hunger

The Issue

Every single year across Australia, we waste $20 billion dollars worth of good food. As a nation, we produce enough food to feed 60 million people. At the same time, 5 million Aussies will struggle with getting the food they need at some point throughout the year. About a quarter of those are children.

The Good

Every single $1 donated to OzHarvest will enable them to deliver 2 meals to vulnerable Australians.

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Help sick children when they need it most

The Issue

Congenital heart disease is one of the leading causes of death of Australian babies. Eight babies are born with a heart condition in Australia every day, with 4 young lives lost each week. Congenital heart disease is the most common birth abnormality, affecting 1 in every 100 babies.

The Good

$20 can assist with items for care bags for those in hospital.

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National Breast Cancer Foundation

Help fund breast cancer research

The Issue

Breast cancer is on the rise - increasing by 38% in the last 10 years alone. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the country with over 3000 Australians losing their life this year. 8 women still die from breast cancer every day.

The Good

A donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation will support critical life-saving research to stop deaths from breast cancer. For example $25 can contribute towards funding researchers to uncover new drugs targets for chemo-resistant breast cancer

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Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

Provide help to people seeking asylum in Australia

The Issue

Families who have fled violence, war and persecution are often then stripped of their basic rights in Australia, while waiting for an outcome of their legal status. People often live this - in limbo for years. During this time, more and more people, without the right to work, become destitute.

The Good

$27 can provide a daily hot meal and food and groceries for a week.

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ChildFund Australia

Help provide children with food, water and education in disadvantaged communities

The Issue

More than 260 million children worldwide aren’t receiving a quality education. Being forced out of school and into the workforce at a young age has a profound impact on a child’s life. Child labour harms their physical and mental development, and robs them of their childhood, their education, and their potential.

The Good

$70 can give 7 children school kits.

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