Support Indigenous Literacy Foundation by switching telco | Goodtel
Purchased and distributed 822 culturally relevant books to children in remote communities around Australia

Indigenous Literacy Foundation

Gift a culturally relevant book for a child in a remote community

Support this Good Cause

The Issue

In Australia there is a huge disparity in the literacy levels between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children. Many of the remote communities where the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) works report that there are few, if any, books in their homes. Every child in Australia, wherever they live, has the right to thrive and to excel in education. Every child should benefit from equity of opportunity. We can’t achieve justice for our First Peoples without setting First Nations children up to succeed in education. Education matters, because education opens doors.

The Good

$10 will put a culturally relevant book into the hands of a child in a remote community

About Indigenous Literacy Foundation

Established in 2010, the ILF’s purpose is to make a difference to the lives of Indigenous families living in remote communities by not only gifting thousands of new, culturally appropriate books, focussing on early literacy and first language, but also running programs to inspire the communities to tell and publish their own stories, in the languages they choose.

The ILF has 3 core programs

Book Supply

Provides new, culturally relevant books to remote communities. In 2021, nearly 100,000 books have been delivered, 45% of which featured Indigenous authors and illustrators.

Book Buzz

Empowers families to feel confident to read and share books together with their babies and toddlers, in the languages they speak at home. This story time program encourages the development of important pre-literacy skills and an early love of reading.

Community Publishing Projects

Works with communities to create and publish stories in illustrated books, animations and audio, in the languages spoken within the community. It’s about creating books, by the community for the community in the languages they choose the books to be in.

Support Indigenous Literacy Foundation Visit their website

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