Social enterprises that helped us survive 2020 | Goodtel
Provided 24,108 meals to vulnerable Australians

Social enterprises that helped us survive 2020

Well that was quite a year. Thankfully here in Australia we have been able to rely on some amazing social enterprises to supply our necessities all whilst making a positive social impact on the world and those who need it most.

Here’s a run down on some of our favourite products from this year.

Starting with 2020’s hot commodity; toilet paper.

Who Gives A Crap is a Melbourne-based toilet paper supplier which donated $5.85 million this year alone to help build toilets and sanitation stations in the developing world. Aussies are loving its quality paper, with fun packaging and made from 100% recyclable material it's easy to see why this sell out staple is popular in households across the nation.

In second place another popular product in everyone's possession; hand sanitiser.

This thing flew off the shelf earlier this year and thankfully, ThankYou had our backs (and hands) covered. When you purchase any of ThankYou’s products, you will be contributing to its vision to live in a world where not one person lives in extreme poverty as they give 100% of its profits to its partners serving the world’s poor.

The next, and arguably the most important for those who have been thrown into homeschooling; wine.

Whether you prefer a bold pinot noir, or a crisp chardonnay, regardless of your poison you’ll be giving back with every bottle of Goodwill wines as it donates 50% of its profits back to charity.

Last but not least, the service we have relied on the most. The Internet.

Never has there been a more important time to stay connected online and at Goodtel we know you can't use a good cause to sell an average product. Our nbn™ is as good as the best, we even use the same networks and our mobile service uses parts of Telstra’s 5G, 4G and 3G mobile networks. The service provides 5G Coverage reaching at least 75% of the Australian population. The Telstra Wholesale mobile coverage area footprint reaches more than 98.8% of the Australian population and covers more than 1.6 million square kilometres of the Australian landmass.

What’s more, when you switch to Goodtel you really are using your daily communications as a force for good as 50% of the profits from your services goes towards helping to protect the planet and those that need it most.

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